1 definition by Samantha1023

Evie is vintage loving girl , she doesn’t have many friends (5 at the most) she likes being alone in her room , watching 80’s movies , she is aesthetically pleasing and kind’ve Good at science. She can Play guitar but not very well. A few boys like Evie but she Rejects them all . She is unique and independent. She will never share secrets about herself and is often caught day dreaming . She is extremely insecure and how she looks . Her fashion sense is like 70’s/80’s (John from the breakfast club) . Her laugh is insane but her laugh makes you laugh. If you ever fall in love with an Evie , don’t text her all the time , she’s used being alone , but still let her know that you love her . She is an outcast and is really damn interesting♥️
Evie is like Sam from ‘The perks Of Being A wallflower
by Samantha1023 June 29, 2019
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