71 definitions by SalvyZ

"Dance floor imperialism" refers to the phenomenon observed at social gatherings where a designated space for dancing exists. In these settings, the individuals on the dance floor often develop a deep intolerance for those who choose not to partake in dancing. Fuelled by a kind of mania, these dancers become relentless in their efforts to pressure non-dancers to join them, creating an environment where the desire to conform to the dominant dancing culture becomes almost inevitable. Dance floor imperialism manifests as an explicit expectation for everyone to participate, and non-dancers often find themselves succumbing to the relentless persuasion, inadvertently surrendering their autonomy on the dance floor.
The atmosphere on the dance floor was charged with dance floor imperialism as enthusiastic dancers actively sought to recruit non-dancers into their rhythmic domain.
by SalvyZ June 24, 2023
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A portmanteau (fallacy + fellatio = fallacio) meaning the experience of pleasure derived from being taken in by falsehoods and unsound arguments
His thirst for fallacio kept him from listening to mainstream news outlets.
by SalvyZ May 11, 2018
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the soulless creatures that corporate meetings turn human beings into
"By the end of the Monday morning all staff meeting, everyone employed at the company became meet(h)ings."
by SalvyZ April 19, 2022
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states of mind defined by super old ways of thinking
"Listening to my grandfather drone on about the old days was a psycherelic experience."
by SalvyZ February 22, 2023
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The raging surge libido among members of the aging population that is directly responsible for the wildfire spread of STDS amongst the elderly. Most acute in retirement communities in Florida and Arizona.
“Bengay Fever drove my grandfather to a life of sexual depravity as soon as he retired to Del Boca Vista.”
by SalvyZ March 7, 2020
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having or showing an intense and selfish desire for agreement
"Jon just can't relax till we all agree. That dude is an agreedy mo-fo."
by SalvyZ October 17, 2018
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Clusterfake refers to a social gathering characterized by the prevalence of superficiality, where individuals engage in inauthentic interactions primarily driven by the pursuit of status and image. In a clusterfake, participants often prioritize projecting a façade of success, popularity, and desirability over genuine connections and meaningful conversations. The atmosphere is marked by insincere compliments, exaggerated displays of interest, and a general lack of authenticity, as participants navigate the social landscape with the sole objective of maintaining or elevating their perceived social standing.
The charity gala turned out to be a clusterfake, with attendees more focused on flaunting their designer outfits and engaging in superficial conversations than genuinely supporting the cause.
by SalvyZ June 24, 2023
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