3 definitions by Salvo la Scopa

A massive, enormous, gigantic black-logo broadcasting company, located in the UK.
"Did you see the last BBC show?"
by Salvo la Scopa November 15, 2022
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The fraternal organization of all bald people in the world, guiding today's society through obscure indirect political maneuvers.
One bald guy can be found at any public event, pretending to have a family and silently surveilling the digression of the events.
A: "Do you see that bald guy?"
B:"Yes, he looks so serious and unhappy, like he knows things that he can't speak about."
A:"No way, he looks like he's in the fucking Masonry or something."
B:"To be fair, he looks like any bald guy."
A:"Then any bald guy must be part of it"
by Salvo la Scopa November 6, 2022
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It is widely known as the city in which some distinct non-white, ebony, non-light-absorbing skin-colored individuals were.

It may also be the capital of some European nation or whatever.
by Salvo la Scopa November 8, 2022
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