4 definitions by Safeway Jacket

Can mean “dis boi”, “Dat boi”, or “deez bois”
Can insert an f and be used as “dfb” to mean “dis fucking boi”, etc
I told db I wanted to go to grab a bite to eat

There were hella db’s in line for ice cream
by Safeway Jacket January 2, 2020
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Short for “on god bro.” Used when you strongly agree with something that someone says or does. Similar meaning to “deadass
Person 1: “you know what goes hard?”
Person 2: “what?”
Person 1: “chipotle’s limited time carne asada
Person 2: “Ogb”
by Safeway Jacket October 21, 2020
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Short for “oh damn bro.” Usually used as a reaction when you have nothing else to say but don’t want to leave the person on read, or a disappointing reaction
Person 1: “Yo come thru
Person 2: “I can’t, I have a meeting in 2 hours”
Person 1: “Odb”
Person 2: “Fr
by Safeway Jacket October 21, 2020
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Stands for “what lacho doing”
Lacho is male in his late 40s and there’s usually a set amount of answers. He’s usually laying, por’le, or ilani
“Ay wld

“He prob por’le”
by Safeway Jacket January 2, 2020
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