2 definitions by Saaaaavvvvvvv

Usually two people that are inseparable, tolerate each other's crazy lives, deal with their emotions whether happy or sad, would go to the ends of the earth to make sure their friend is happy, and other people are usually jealous of their unbreakable bond
Those girls are friendship goals because they can always count on each other no matter what.
by Saaaaavvvvvvv June 30, 2015
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Usually two people that are inseparable, tolerate each other's crazy lives, deal with their emotions whether happy or sad, would go to the ends of the earth to make sure their friend is happy, and other people are usually jealous of their unbreakable bond
Those girls are friendship goals because they can always count on each other no matter what.
by Saaaaavvvvvvv June 30, 2015
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