1 definition by STRX

Made by Mitsubishi, AKA Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth Conquest.

One of the best sports cars of the eighties, second only to the Datsuns.

Invulnerable to rice, capable of outracing any Honda, Acura, or Toyota, and will put Mustangs and Camaros back in their place.
I bought a Mitsubishi Starion for $1,500 after five years of outright neglect. This is easily the most fun car I have ever driven. Fast, powerful, attractive to girls (especially with the stickshift), and just beautiful.

Want to know how powerful it is? When I got it, the secondary fuel injector was broken. On only the primary injector, that car could get to about 70 MPH.
by STRX December 22, 2008
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