9 definitions by SRSLY WRONG

Coronavirus money - any time someone or a group gets some sort of cash benefit because of the Covid-19 pandemic, that's Corona bucks
"Trump better send me some Corona Bucks before rent day"

"Dang, they gave Corona bucks to my work, but they still laid me off"

"Did you hear about the cruise industry Coronabucks package?"
by SRSLY WRONG March 18, 2020
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A derogatory term for someone who must have everyone agree with their opinion at all times. Or otherwise has to constantly state their opinions on issues in inappropriate contexts.

The breakdown is:
"Piss" refers to their opinion. It is piss-like because it is unwelcome. They are making you metaphorically 'drink their piss' by not leaving you alone.

'Fascist' refers to their mandatory grip on your perceptions. They must subject you to their piss, no matter what you would prefer. It is the piss fascist's nature.
<soapboxes for 20 minutes about fluoride toxicity>
"Don't be a Piss Fascist, we're just trying to hang out."

Or for those who "take it back":
"I'm a Piss Fascist and proud. If you're hanging out with me, you have to get on my level. I'll swim in your opinion piss if you swim in mine."
by SRSLY WRONG February 4, 2015
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A pejorative term for someone who tries too hard to aggressively assert their coolness, their detachment, their apathy. Someone who is happy to point out the hopelessness of problems, and unwilling to put work into fixing them.
"Who cares? Everyone has known this forever. There is nothing we can do."
"Ooh, cool. You're a sunglasses-warrior. I'm so impressed with how jaded you are."
by SRSLY WRONG January 20, 2015
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When multiple parties are using the same word, but with different definitions, making communications confusing, cyclical, and ineffective.
"Bernie Sanders is a liberal!"
"What? No he isn't! He's a demsoc!"
"I meant 'liberal' in the context of American politics, as in, a term for the left in general."
"I thought you meant an economic liberal, like a neoliberal. Damn, definition wobble got us again!"
by SRSLY WRONG May 10, 2018
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The soggy, meandering, poorly paced streaming content that doesn't follow storytelling norms because it's intended to be binged while also looking at your phone.
I'm not going to watch the new Churned Shlontent on Disney+ or Netflix. I value my time!
by SRSLY WRONG October 13, 2023
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A type of humor that postures itself as edgy, but rather than being a subversive challenge to unjust hegemonic belief systems, hedgyness reenforces them
"hey bro you know I love you but that joke about homeless people was super hedgy"
"you're right bro thanks for checking me on that. cruelty to homeless people does reenforce unjust hegemonic power structures, and that's not being a good bro to my fellow humans."
by SRSLY WRONG August 8, 2018
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Irony poisoning is when one's worldview/weltshauung/reality tunnel is so dominated by irony and detachment-based-comedy, that the joke becomes real and you start to do things that are immoral or wrong from a place of deep nihilistic cynicism.
"Why would John do this to me?"
"It's irony poisoning, ma'am. Seen it a million times."
by SRSLY WRONG May 25, 2014
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