3 definitions by SONOFNIP

Having ingested enough GHB to put one in a trance-like, semi-aquatic state of disillusioned unresponsiveness as if one had fallen into a hole and could not get out.
Johnny had fed the hooker so much G that she was fishing out on the floor, deep inside a G-hole.
by SONOFNIP August 3, 2006
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A concoction made of purple gatorade and some unknown substance, which may be anything except GHB.
"She thought that the drink was just purple hooter, but then she ended up fishing out in a G-hole"
by SONOFNIP August 1, 2006
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Having ingested too much, or just the right amount of GHB and/or purple hooter so that one flails about on the ground, resembling a fish out of water.
"Tina was all fishing out in a G-hole and when the paramedics arrived, she was face down in the river."
by SONOFNIP August 1, 2006
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