1 definition by SHSkid

The town in which snobby moms meet for coffee at Starbucks, or grab a bite from Metro, Chat and Moscato and exchange the latest gossip, Walk street fathers head off to work every morning in their designer suits carrying Italian leather suitcases, and teenagers in fancy cars typically the Audi A4 with music turned all the way up, drive to the highschool to start a new day of classes and social interactions. A place of large homes and an unnecessary number of golf courses. The village of Scarsdale has control over how tall trees get, whether or not street lights are allowed, and if cobblestones are allowed in your driveway.
Typical Scarsdale Kid: You got your license? Did you get you get stuck with your moms BMW or did they get you the new Audi A4?
by SHSkid January 7, 2010
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