1 definition by SAVIO IS THE BEST! ♥

A super duper extra awesome nice caring helpful sweet there-for-you Asian. He's your best friend forever and always and he's a good hugger! He is also extremly buff and very great at sports. His eyes are Asian-like and generally has black hair. HE'S LIKE A FUCKING SUPERHERO; Always there to save the day! Savios are very smart but it isn't always obvious. He is courageous and brave, and THE BESTEST FRIEND ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR! :) ♥♥♥♥♥
Maria: I have a problem! I need to talk to a Savio!

Maria: *Faints at the sight of the handsome and muscular Savio*
by SAVIO IS THE BEST! ♥ June 26, 2011
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