1 definition by S. Sterl

PQ = extreme joy + ultimate bonding experience + bare butts
PQ > birthdays and Hannukah (maybe Christmas too)
PennCorp + PennAcle + PennArts < PQ
PQers = the bestest of friends
everyone else = secretly jealous of PQers
PQers &#8800; egotistical, just inherently superior
parties with PQers > gatherings other people call parties
“let’s all be gay” < “let’s all get laid”

PQ = phantasmajoric*
phantasmagoric= any PennQuester’s LIFE at Penn,

*used as it appears on thesaurus.com, as a synonym for “whimsical,” “dreamy,” or “fantastic,” although I suppose the dictionary definition (an optical illusion produced by a magic lantern or the like in which figures increase or diminish in size, pass into each other, dissolve, etc. ) sometimes applies as well
"Who are all those smelly people that just walked in late?...Ew, I think one of them just hocked a loogie."

"Oh, it's some cult called PennQuest. I would stay away, I hear they poop anywhere."
by S. Sterl February 23, 2008
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