3 definitions by Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder

1. One whose occupation is gournalism
2. One who writes about video games.
Anyone who writes about video games is a gournalist.
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Short for "web logger street credibility"

1. The amount of respect you have gained from other members of your blogging community (generally a subcommunity of the overall blogger community, such as "video game bloggers")

2. A term used sarcastically because people who blog do so on the internet, which is widely regarded as the least credible source for information apart from televised news.
That dude totally lost some blogger street cred when he decided to post his views on violence in gaming, which every other video game blogger disagreed with.
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1. The collection, writing, editing, and presentation of news and articles about video games.
2. The style of writing that is characteristic of gaming journalists.
3. A somewhat respected form of journalism, sometimes thought to be tainted by fanboiism (i.e. gournalists may sometimes write really nicely about development teams they want something from).
Writers for various gaming magazines or websites are taking part in gournalism.
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