2 definitions by Ry_nwater

The moon to the sun. The ice cream in the rain. The black coated pink panther that stands on one leg, especially while icing cupcakes. The everything and nothing epitomizing, when with that, all is OK. Spelling doesn't matter, it's the sound that she brings with subtly as is the heart of a moment, perfectly present on any and every day. Red rain boots Red Umbrella, a flowered orange I couldn't savour, however if I stared at it long enough... my eyes would devour it and say wtf.. DEEDEE you ain't no orange, you are a peach. DeeDee
An orange I couldn't savour, however if I stared at it long enough... my eyes would devour it and say wtf.. DEEDEE you ain't no orange, you are a peach. DeeDee
by Ry_nwater July 16, 2022
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I believe you, I do, even when I cannot see you smell you or hear you, you are to me DeeDee, and it is that so much I cherish. DeeDee what you want in life, because the rest of it you will work for and won't satisfy your hunger and thirst.
by Ry_nwater July 16, 2022
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