11 definitions by Russell H

Combines Merge with Sociopath. Defines a driver (usually male, usually talking on a Bluetooth device, usually driving a luxury sports sedan), who passes up an entire line of vehicles at an offramp before cutting/forcing their way into the line at the last possible moment before the exit.

Mergeopath's are self-absorbed, obviously far too important to wait in line like the rest of the common commuters, and cause an immediate rise in the blood pressure level of all those who are aware of their assholish conduct.
(wife on cell phone talking to her husband)

"Yeah, honey, I should be home in about twenty min...OH CRAP (sound of brakes and a purse flying off the passenger's seat to the floor)! I JUST GOT CUT OFF BY SOME DAMNED MERGEOPATH!"
by Russell H May 7, 2007
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A pimple on your face that has popped without your knowledgs.
"Damn, Terri had a nasty mashed potato on her cheek this morning..."
by Russell H May 9, 2007
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A suburban teenager who identifies with the urban hip hop culture, but doesn't have any idea what an underprivileged life is. They listen to hip hop, wear their pants way below their waist, and act like the "man's keeping them down" while they watch their 42" flat screen TV's, attend private school, text constantly on their iPhones and spend hours on Facebook sharing their plight with other e-gansters.
Parent's Text: Almost home, did you finish your homework?

Response: OMG, wifi down for 20 mins tonight. Fix it. Cant live this way. Couldn't watch Snoop's new youtube. Almost had to go to coffee bean.

Parent's Text: You poor thing, how can we raise you under such circumstances? I'll be home soon. Do you need a latte from Starbucks, or are you still a Facebook Gangster?
by Russell H February 1, 2011
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Any self-absorbed teenage (or wanna-be teenage) self-annointed princess who can't leave the house unless she's plastered with designer clothes labels.
Boy: "Man, did you hear about those dolphin massacres in Japan? How messed up."
AB: "Have you seen me in this shirt before?"
Boy: "Yeah. I mean, dolphins are intelligent and docile animals."
AB: "And my jeans? They make me look fly, huh?"
Boy: "Mmm Hmm. But what can we do to help those dolphins. Is Greenpeace involved, do you think?"
AB: "Oh look, there's Madison. Can you believe she's wearing pink AGAIN!"
Boy: (sigh) "You're such an AbercromBitch..."
by Russell H May 9, 2007
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