3 definitions by Rush2112

Led Zeppelin wrote Stairway to Heaven, this song has been voted in many rock magazines as being the greatest song ever with the most influential and powerfull guitar solo ever. This song is so good that a rumor started about Zeppelin having sold their souls for it due to the fact that many people believed mortal men could write such a masterpiece.
by Rush2112 January 29, 2008
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Music is mankinds greatist invention. you know when you have such an unbelievably profound experience that words could not possibly describe it... thats where music comes in.
Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, John Lennon, Bob Dylan ... these bands and people completely embody music.
by Rush2112 January 29, 2008
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Rap is a form of ... "music" (and I use that term EXTREMELY loosley) where a person rhymes or (raps) words to a singular beat that continues throughout the ... song?? Rap was influenced by and is a spin off of hip hop. 90 - 95 % of the songs talk about nothing more than sex, drugs and the, "gangsta" life.
example of a rap song. (one beat or baseline) ... yo baby im a gangster, I shoot people, i do drugs and am a pimp as well. I want to bang you all night in my pimped out sports car.
by Rush2112 January 29, 2008
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