2 definitions by Ruarc

1) Petty regulations that don't make it to the level of bullshit. A favorite purview of martinets and high-handed bureaucrats.

2) Afraid; cringing; cowardly; reluctant to get off one's ass and put up.

3) Unintelligible verbiage, scrawl, or scritch-scratch.
The new CO's chickenshit was driving the first sergeant batshit; he had bigger things to worry about than snapping salutes from a quarter-mile away, with the enemy waiting just over the hill.

He was too chickenshit to go down to the cellar and deal with Leatherface.

I can't make heads or tails out of this chickenshit they added to the agreement. Tell them to clarify it so we know we're eye-to-eye.
by Ruarc August 17, 2011
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The shit of a chicken or chickens. For all other perceived definitions, see "chickenshit" as a compound word.
Time to clean the chicken shit out of the hen-house again.
by Ruarc August 17, 2011
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