1 definition by Ross the Chihuahua

A non-japanese person who likes Japan a little... Too much.

Weeaboos will often use broken Japanese (e.g. "Wow! That dog is so kawaii, mukyuu~"), cover the walls in their room with posters of anime girls in bikinis, and worst of all, they will dislike any race or ethnicity that isn't Japanese, even their own.

Weeaboos are very offensive to the Japanese because they put a very unhealthy stereotype on the Japanese. That is why every weeaboo in the world must be exterminated.
Person 1: Oh my gah! That neko is so kawaii~! Fuwa fuwa neko chan~
Person 2: Huh?
Person 1: So kawaii, right? Neko-neko-chan~~!
Person 2: Oh, yeah... Very, uh, "kawaii"... (What a weeaboo!)
by Ross the Chihuahua April 18, 2020
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