2 definitions by Rohan does dancing

Nicky is a MALE MAGNET! She’s always getting all the boys but never really wants them. She’s quite shy and usually quite short. A Nicky typically has an older brother who would be dubbed and ‘over achiever’ or someone who gets all the A’s. Nicky larbs reading, most Nicky’s will be found head in a book and butt on a boy. Nicky usually wears their hair in a half up pony tail and wears it out at shoulder length. Nicky dreams of travelling to France. Nicky’s friends are constantly telling her to be more assertive as she is quite submissive in nature. Nicky also has a very thing for fish... and prawns. Overall, a Nicky is a great human to have in your life, cherish your Nicky’s and always try to make them laugh. *hint* that won’t be hard.
Hey dude, did you hear Chanel has been asked out again? She’s done a Nicky!
by Rohan does dancing May 1, 2019
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Larb is another word for love or more specifically if you have a crush on someone. Larb also shares it’s name with a type of salad, this creates the word more elusive.
Ooh! Riley LARBS Jenna!!
by Rohan does dancing May 1, 2019
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