4 definitions by Rob Spendley

(adj) Derived from "retro", used to describe when things are imatative of bad rather than good aspects of the past.
"People are taking the 80s revival too far- mullets and drainpipe jeans are just too ratro!!"
by Rob Spendley September 12, 2004
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Acronym, descriptive. Literally stands for "Entertainment Concentration Camp" and refers to jokes/situations where humour is forced, unnatural and frequently cliched.
Person a: "Oh jesus it was so pathetic- he saw my hair and said 'Did'ya have a fight with a lawnmower?'"
Person b: "Talk about fucking ECC! Pathetic..."
Person a: "Totally ECC!"
by Rob Spendley May 17, 2004
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Anything which has the primary characteristic of being like the sort of thing a dad would say/do/like.
"I was looking through a Screwfix catalogue the other day- totally fucking dadshow, I know."
by Rob Spendley May 17, 2004
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Formerly the name for the internet's premier file-sharing program. Now means to take a small nap where you don't actually usually fall asleep.
Dude, I'm wasted! I'm going for a napster.
by Rob Spendley May 29, 2004
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