3 definitions by RizzlBizzl

Noun: Someone who likes to use random acronyms and then talk shit when you don't know the meaning of it.

Verb: Acrodouch-ing: conducting oneself in an acrodouchial manner.
Hi I'm Sh**na * am an Acrodouche because I like to pretend I'm awesome by using acronyms like "FTW" and then using urban dictionary as my source for why you're stupid for not knowing what FTW is.

Hi I'm Lindsey H*rgert and I like to talk shit and say someone needs to "work on your acronyms" Typical acrodouche....
by RizzlBizzl August 7, 2017
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One who discriminates against certain distinguishable morphological or physiological traits of a snatch (i.e. size, shape, color, smell)
"Hi I'm Scott W**da and I don't like your albino snatch" I'm a snatchist
by RizzlBizzl December 2, 2012
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