1 definition by Riversidelova

Riverside, CA is a city in SoCal, south of LA and north of San Diego. It's near beaches, deserts, mountains, lakes, rivers, and much more.

Riverside, despite all that is sad abt it, isn't a bad place. Sure it use to have a lot of gangs / poverty back in the day but now it is a safe place and an amazing place to raise a family. The only bad part in riverside in my opinion is downtown and the Indiana area (by the railroad). The nicest area in my area is Overlook where houses sell for millions. The best place to raise a middle class family in riverside is woodcrest. Woodcrest is a pretty new area and is a safe place. Honestly every city has their good and bad characteristics and riverside just gets put down because of how bad some parts of it can be. But all together this city is an amazing place filled w rich history, tons of diversity, and good people who are kind and fun! The people you meet here always stay in touch w you even years after you move away and honestly people only move away from here because of work / family otherwise many people who were born here stay

Riverside gets it's name from being next to the Santa Ana river. Riverside always has weather ranging from 90-117 degrees as the high during the summer and 40-70 degrees as the high during the winter.

Riverside is home to many well known places and people such as Bobby Bonds, Jeff Soto, the Mission inn, Mt. Roubidox, and the California historic park.
P1: I was born and raised in riverside and I love it so much that I'm never moving!

P2: wow no wonder you're so nice you're from Riverside!!!!
by Riversidelova June 21, 2017
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