1 definition by RightyRoo

Pronounced ham - den

1. (n.) a neighborhood of northern Baltimore City, Maryland, home to one of the last remaining enclaves of American of severely in-bred, caucasian urban working poor (a.k.a. "white trash"), birthplace of "Hon" culture, inspiration for many a John Waters piece, and site of one of the most daring social experiments of modern, urban America.

Hampden's main thoroughfare, 36th Street, "The Avenue" allows the intrepid observer a glimpse of a truly unique American cultural nexus where one might spy a smelly starving artist, cracked out homeless person, upper class white hipster, and college student all within mere inches of one another.

2. (adj.) anything invoking, reminiscent of, or celebrating Hampden, its culture, or its denizens.

NOTE: not to be confused with Dundaulk.
Did you see that funny lookin' white kid in the purple camouflage pants back there? He was soooo Hampden.
by RightyRoo February 5, 2011
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