2 definitions by Rich Buckley

The pursuit of scientific knowledge and truth interrupted by political agenda, being a combination of two words: Science and Agenda. Pronounced Sci-gence. One who practices scigence is referred to as a scigenist. During the current reign of scigenists, if you speak out against scigenists for any reason your grant funds will not be approved, your good work will not be given publication or peer review and you will be left off all coaktail party lists.
Scigence would likely say: "The proof is now in","Global warming is "Man's fault" and "We can and must fix Global Warming" are currently in vogue examples along with "Kyoto Accords will make a notable change in weather".

by Rich Buckley February 3, 2007
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The pursuit of scientific knowledge and truth interrupted by single minded political agenda regardless of truth, being a combination of two words: Science and Agenda. Pronounced Sci-gence. One who practices scigence is referred to as a scigenist. A Scigenist puts forward statements not suported by data so long as the political agenda succeeds.
Scigence today is illustrated by go-along to get-along scientists who sign on to global social engineering plans without first reviewing the hard data. Good examples would be the fashionable notion that Global Warming is man's fault and we can fix the cliamate.
by Rich Buckley February 9, 2007
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