2 definitions by Reverie

adjective. this applies to males only. studio-gay means that although you are heterosexual, your interests and style are such that you fit in to the hip, edgy, artsy, homosexual culture. Studio-gay may be considered a subcategory under the umbrella of "metrosexual". Although studio-gays are also considered "metrosexual", they are an even more specific, unique subgroup of artists, stylists, musicians, creative, fun people who are NOT gay but might be mistakened for one b/c of their refined tastes and sharp fashion sense.
an example of a studio-gay pereson is my heterosexual hair stylist who has an edgy attitude and bohemian style. he is flamboyant without being feminine. i can talk to him about anything - boys, my hair, what the latest fashions are and he knows what's up. he's sensitive but he can also hang with the guy's guys...he might also be into emo-indie rock culture - sporting a curduroy blazer with suede patches, spikey-i-don't-care-hair, dark-rimmed glasses (this is KEY!!), good-fitting dark-wash-faded jeans, and the hippest sneakers around.
by Reverie November 27, 2005
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(noun)A pet name for a signifant other who is both your best buddy and your romantic interest. Term was derived by combining "buddy" and "baby" = "bubby". Name is reserved for people who were truly best friends prior to dating.It is imperative that the person who becomes your "bubby" was purely a platonic friend prior to dating.
You can call your significant other your bubby if you were best friends with him/her in a purely platonic way. For example, dating a friend after 10 years of being friends with him/her - seeing each other date others, being there for one another as a source of support, able to be truly yourself without any impression management.

What does NOT constitute a "bubby"- Someone who becomes your best friend after you start dating. That is not a bubby.
by Reverie February 4, 2007
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