2 definitions by Rest in pieces, Sandy Hook

An adjective used to describe a person's behaviour as having a tendency to lean towards being overtly autistic with a solid touch of being a cunt.
The slang derives from the fact that Macintosh computers are associated with Steve Jobs who, while alive, was overtly autistic and a cunt.
Jeff Bezos and Tom Cruise are similar in that both have very punchable faces and that might have something to do with them being makkish.
by Rest in pieces, Sandy Hook September 11, 2018
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The outlandish notion that you can be friends with your own dick.
"Yo, bitch. I bet you didn't know that my dick's so big that I've got a little friend with benefits."

"Ever since I've started gymnastics, I've gained a little friend with benefits."

"I've got a little friend with benefits that spots me when I do yoga. I'd never be able to perform the leaning mushroom without them."
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