2 definitions by Resentfully Hiccup

Hiccup: noun
A name to call a lesbian with witchy tendencies that won't accept their brooding, austere, and or uselessly gay nature.
The term is derived from a nickname given to a character named Hecate Hardbroom, a teacher in a kinda enjoyably bad children's show called "The Worst Witch". A British show only watched by lesbians and children who don't know how to change the channel (or happen to be baby gays).
The lesbian's friend: "Hiccup, stop being useless. I can see you staring at that girl."
The lesbian: "Stop calling me that, I'm not useless. Look, I'll go talk to her right now."
The lesbian's friend: "No you won't."
The lesbian: "No, I won't."
The lesbian's friend:
The lesbian's friend: "Hiccup."
by Resentfully Hiccup October 4, 2019
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kinda like fuck, slink is an insult that can be used in a variety of ways.

If you call someone a slink is implies they move or act in a slinky like manner, such as the pink panther walk, but can often change slightly depending on context.
"fuck Angele, she's always slinking around."
"Pippa fucking Pentangle, what a slink!"
"Wow, my day was just fine until you slinks showed up."
by Resentfully Hiccup February 10, 2019
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