3 definitions by ReichWingWatch

A modern, watered-down fascist tailored for the 21st century. One who supports merging the private sector and the state. An egomaniac who's desire for absolute power is cloaked by massive amounts of right-wing propaganda. Neofascists will use populism to speak to the working class while actively rigging the system against them. Neofascists rail against the media as liars while actively spewing lies, knowing 1/3 of the country will automatically believe them simply because they have a R next to their name. Neofascists support torture and glorify violence. They rail against minorities to divide and conquer nations. They repeat the same slogans over and over again, and their low-information voting base obeys. Their ultimate goal is to privatize everything and create the illusion of democracy while jury mandering districts, requiring photo IDs to vote, and shutting down polling places in areas with high black and Latino populations. They claim that when they "win" elections they have a radical mandate for change even when they democrats get more votes than they did.

Shortened definition: Donald Trump.
The neofascist promised to stand up workers as he created the wealthiest administration in American history, naming several prominent figures from Goldmann Sachs.
by ReichWingWatch December 14, 2016
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The Ku Klux Klan in a suit and tie, located in Washington DC, FOX News, or right-wing talk radio. Their followers are 95% white and they use the 5% of minorities who support their causes as pawns to "prove" they aren't racist. They signal their racism using code language. For example, everyone knew what Rep. Paul Ryan meant when he said there is a culture in the inner cities of men "not working and not even thinking about the value of work." They will go on tyrades against welfare, affirmative action, and immigration and pretend it has nothing to do with race. They pretend to oppose big government and authoritarianism but their support for neofascist Donald Trump exposes them as complete frauds.
The KKKonservative on the panel found it important to focus on "black crime" statistics, even though the rest of the panel acknowledges the scientific fact that race is merely a social construct and poverty is the more constructive issue to focus on.
by ReichWingWatch December 14, 2016
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One of the many white Christian males who belongs to the right-libertarian movement. Right-libertarianism is a front for fascism cloaked by slogan's like "liberty" and "freedom"--not to be confused with actual libertarianism which advocates for dismantling the innately corrupt/destructive capitalist system and eventually the state itself. The grandfather of right-libertarianism Ludwig Von Mises served as an economic advisor to an Austrian fascist named Engelbert Dollfuss who shut down parliament and suppressed the socialist movement. Mises is on record praising fascism. "It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization." The movement was further expanded by Murray Rothbard, who was a student of Mises. Rothbard believed in "voluntary" separation of the races, and spoke kindly of former KKK leader David Duke when he ran for senate in 1992. The modern right-libertarian movement is carried on the shoulders of Ron Paul, who published blatantly racist newsletters in the late 80s and early 90s. David Duke was also praised in the newsletters. Ron Paul has publicly defended Texas anti-sodomy laws, spoken against the Civil Rights Act, voted against MLK holiday, and against giving Rosa Parks the congressional gold Medal of Honor, despite supporting giving every Cold War veteran a medal.
European history of brutality and conquest didn't sway the libertaryan from his stubborn belief that Africans are inherently more violent than Europeans.
by ReichWingWatch December 14, 2016
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