2 definitions by Reeviero

Scousers are residents of Liverpool England who are heavily and harshly stereotyped by everyone in england generally because..............The stereotypes are true.They thieve mug murder and Rape people because they need the money coz they haven't got a job and Liverpool was the birth place of the chavs (scallys).The majority are die hard Liverpool FC fans and the educated part of Liverpool are everton fans. Usually saying the phrase "Calm Down" repeatedly or saying "A" repeatedly.Tend to drink alot would round the shit infested streets looking forward to gyro day so they can go to the pub and get battered straight after they get there money
"A gaz thtscouse twats running away with your bike"

Scouser A:"U wanna make something of it A"

Scouser B"A A A A A come on then"

Scouser C:" Oi lads come on Calm Down Calm Down Calm Down Calm Down"
by Reeviero March 23, 2008
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Scousers are residents of Liverpool England who are heavily and harshly stereotyped by everyone in england generally because..............The stereotypes are true.They thieve mug murder and Rape people because they need the money coz they haven't got a job and Liverpool was the birth place of the chavs (scallys).The majority are die hard Liverpool FC fans and the educated part of Liverpool are everton fans. Usually saying the phrase "Calm Down" repeatedly or saying "A" repeatedly.Tend to drink alot would round the shit infested streets looking forward to gyro day so they can go to the pub and get battered straight after they get there money
"A gaz thtscouse twats running away with your bike"

Scouser A:"U wanna make something of it A"

Scouser B"A A A A A come on then"

Scouser C:" Oi lads come on Calm Down Calm Down Calm Down Calm Down"
by Reeviero March 23, 2008
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