11 definitions by Reet Awwsum

A month whose 1st date comes on Monday and all the Sundays in that particular month follows the date pattern of 7 14 21 28 is known as Perfect Month. The name Perfect comes from the fact that it follows table of 7 which is the number of days in a week. Also, monday is considered as the first day of the week, hence coming of monday on the 1st date of a month is considered as Perfect Month.
Sam: This month is pretty busy, the work load is so damn heavy. I can't wait for weekends.
John: Sam "When sundays are coming this month".
Sam: Its a Perfect Month.
John: Man, weekend will be coming so damn late.
by Reet Awwsum June 11, 2013
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Deactivating social networking profiles for e.g Facebook which connects you with your friends for temporary period just to stay isolated is known as Social Blackout. Extreme Social Blackouts results in switching off the cellphone or worst case scenario going to a place without telling anyone for temporary period of time.
Michelle: Where were you yesterday? I dropped a lot of text messages, even your facebook profile was deactivated. Is everything alright?
Jim: Don't worry. I'm alright now. A thought was troubling my head from so long so i gone for a Social Blackout.
Michelle: Baby, you can ask me to come over. You know i got so much worried about you.
by Reet Awwsum July 8, 2013
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The word is used to alert or warn a friend during a conversation that the other person will end up as your stalker or maybe already your stalker. Its mainly a presumption which is based on the over - fluttering tone of the person towards your friend.
Bucky: Hey girls what are you doinn? I think class is over.
Kelsey: We are just packing up.
Julia: Kelsey "I have to go to market today so i can't drop you".
Bucky: Don't worry i can drop you Kelsey.
Kelsey: Its alright i can go by my own.
Bucky: I insist Kelsey. By the way you look great. You really look like an angel in this dress.
Julia: Stalker Alert (In Kelsey ears).
by Reet Awwsum July 2, 2013
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Minimum percentage of listeners to whom the speaker preferably lecturer aims to totally grasp whats he/she is teaching. Generally teaching range is calculated from 100.
RJ: Why the lecturer is repeating the same things again and again.
Reet: Dude her teaching range is above 80, and you know about our class. A lot of slow learners.
by Reet Awwsum July 30, 2013
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Generally a divorce or a breakup between two people in a relationship is known as Blue Valentine. When this word is use it refers to the eternal bond breakage between two souls who can't be separated in any terms. Blue Valentine is used for those who are meant for each other but due to some misunderstanding or any other reason, now separated.
Monica: Hey what happened to Rachel? Why she's sad?
Phoebe: It's because of misunderstanding between her and Ross.
Monica: I thought everything was sorted out between them.
Phoebe: No, the situation is worse. They just celebrated their Blue Valentine yesterday.
by Reet Awwsum June 14, 2013
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During a conversation if a person seems to be zoned out drastically maybe due to non-interested topic or any other reason and he is continuously staring at the speaker without saying a single word then a person is said to be in Zombie Mode. Generally in a Zombie Mode a person is shifting his eyes to one speaker to the other without knowing what they are talking about.
Ted: I'm 32, still single, in Newyork city. Where i'm gonna find love of my life?
Marshall: You eventually find your soulmate like i did when i met Lily.
Ted: If i think about it, i got better chance to meet up with Angelina Jolie rather than finding a wife for me.
Marshall: Don't be absurd.
Ted: Barney "Quit your Zombie Mode and back me up here.
by Reet Awwsum June 26, 2013
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In a Right Triangle Chat one person is continously speaking and the other one is responding "Hmm" or "K" or "me too" or making smileys just for the sake of chat. Just like in a right triangle one side is up and other one is low, in RTC one person is just going and going and the other person responding by one word. It indicated the lack of interest by the other person in a chat.
Eric: Do you remember last time we chatted and i told you how i fell down from the chair.
Ashley: hmm
Eric: Well i been to doctor this morning and he said i got a minor fracture on my right arm.
Ashley: k
Eric: Hope i get well soon since my baseball matches are coming up and i need to practice.
Ashley: (y)
Eric in his mind "Its again one Right Triangle Chat (RTC) going on. I must stop texting her.
by Reet Awwsum May 25, 2013
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