3 definitions by Really depressed Student 247

A guy that is usually in a gang that is not afraid of anything. He will do anything he wants with no fear of repercussions and consequences. Has no fear of going to jail and would do ANYTHING for the gang.
Im such a hot nigga I just shot an old lady and I didn’t even give a fuck.
I ain’t scared of going to jail bitch, I’m a hot nigga.
I’m such a hot nigga I’ll kill for the gang.
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To buy drugs or the the action of buying drugs. Usually weed/marihuana.
Yo, Ima go cap at the park and then I’ll meet up with you.
by Really depressed Student 247 November 8, 2020
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Doral Academy is a school which is currently ruled by a testicle looking principal (bald). This is school is guarded by admin that will ass rape you so hard to not use your phone that even if they see that you have a phone in your pocket they’ll take it. Detentions and referrals are handed out like if they were fucking candy. Teachers give a shit load of hw even on holidays. Seeing a fight in this school practically impossible. Because of how deep in our assholes they have the school rules and consequences. - Dear Depressed student :)
by Really depressed Student 247 October 29, 2019
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