4 definitions by RealDollParts

The order that most men prefer to have Intercourse with a woman.
Hey danny, did u have sex with that girl?
Danny... yep, in an order that might surprise u... Ass mouth vag.
by RealDollParts February 13, 2017
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Pooping just enough to relieve your rectum from being in pain. A Comfort Dump may be used to squeeze out just enough poo so as to relieve discomfort or to buy time until the pooper can make it home or to a more comfortable setting for a truly satisfying dymp.
I took a quick road side comfort dump until I could make it home to unload a real poo.
by RealDollParts February 11, 2017
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A wispy, thin, poorly formed mustache made of several long hairs at the upper lip, where a few of the longer hairs reach mid lip or just inside the mouth of the person trying to look like a boss dude.
Your mouth feathers are coming in nicely, Sondra.
by RealDollParts October 8, 2023
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Sneaking a peek at the toilet paper after wiping your butt at the conclusion of a dump.
I can attest to the clean break and clean toilet paper wipe after my dump because I pulled a Poop I Spy.
by RealDollParts February 15, 2017
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