16 definitions by Ralf

to be in an uncomfortable situation with no obvious escape
"I slept with a random girl last night and shes still upstairs!"

"Man, youre wangtied!!"
by Ralf November 9, 2004
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a girl that is cute but so skinny she has no breast.
man, look at the ass on candy it`s to bad she`s all nipples on ribs.
by Ralf May 4, 2004
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person 1: Put on some corridos.
Person 2: Oh you mean the spaish rap?
Person 1: Yea.
by Ralf April 12, 2005
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a portable toilet pumper,or plumber.based on the days of the outhouse (the cleaners would come in the night and take the contents of the house.)
honey call the turd bugular,the toilets clogged.
by Ralf May 17, 2004
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what a horny dog does when it meets you for the first time.it grabs the upper part of your leg then dry humps it.
aunt betty get this leg humping hound off me and put him outside.
by Ralf May 18, 2004
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it`s a disparagement to people in the U.S Navy who don`t conform to regulations.(the potato peeler,deck swabber)
oh ralph? that turd bird is on an icebreaker in Greenland for 18 months.
by Ralf April 29, 2004
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was a fake band the butthole surfers made up but the name speaks for it self .a cop who is a jackoff.
when officer Grimbly shot his own foot at the pratice range we knew he was jackofficer material.
by Ralf May 15, 2004
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