2 definitions by RaeG

An object (it can be anything) that friends compete over. Men give it to who had the most sex in one night, and women give it to whomever had sex in the most unusual place. Usually the compititon goes on between only two good, trusting friends. Contrary to poular beleif, it was not made up by just any random person. The first fuckduck was actually a ceramic goose, but goose doesn't rhyme with fuck.
Girl1: Central Park!
Girl2: ...
Girl1: *takes fuckduck and leaves*
Girl2: Damn! I had trolly for that fuckduck!
by RaeG December 18, 2005
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A mish-mash of the words ultra, teh, and leet.
Pronunciation: Ult-ra Tay-lEEt.
Used to describe something very exciting or cool.
Omgage, that Gaia Av is ultratehleet
by RaeG December 18, 2005
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