2 definitions by RadNerdLeo

1. One who surpasses normal levels of douche-baggery to almost super human levels as if the genes were altered into a mutant strain of douchiness.

2. A big fat jerk of full of rage and unnecessary 'tude.

3. Sabertooth from the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" as stated by www.radnerd.com
Man, did you see what Herb tried to pull today? What a saberdouche!
by RadNerdLeo May 4, 2009
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1. One who surpasses normal levels of douche-baggery to almost super human levels as if the genes were altered into a mutant strain of douchiness.

2. A big fat jerk of full of rage and unnecessary 'tude.

3. Sabertooth from the movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" as stated by www.radnerd.com
"Man, did you see what Herb tried to pull today? What a saberdouche!"
by RadNerdLeo May 4, 2009
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