2 definitions by Racko001

To release enough hot fart gas in one movement from your anus hole that that it smells like you have shit your pants, and in being hot the fart rises straight up to head height for maximum effect.
I was grocery shopping today and let out a fart in the deli isle that brought a tear to my eye. I had to move leaving a shart cloud behind as to not draw attention to myself. It smelt like I had shit myself.
by Racko001 December 12, 2016
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To insert a Strawberry into a receiving homosexual anus that is full of his lovers semen acting like a bung. Allowing the receiver to squat over the giver's face without leaking, with the giver of the semen then inserting a straw through the strawberry to drink the gravity pooled semen, blood, lube and faecal matter juice out of the rectum cavity.
Fuck that chick is hot, I would strawberry felch Sir Elton John just to have the chance to take her out to dinner.
by Racko001 December 12, 2016
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