1 definition by Rachet

One who is a bitch, an ass kisser, a muppet.You can slap him around and he wont do shit but then when u walk away he will mumble under his breath or bitch about how he was going to kick your ass to his friends.
Not enough of a man to talk to a women.
Prone to sucking up and talking about themselves alot.
Possibly lacking in testosterone or testicles
Nik: "This guy at the pub today said i was a dirty little faggot and kicked me in the scrote, and i was going to fuck him up , he's lucky i had an itchy ass crack or i would have kicked his ass with my mad wicked kung fool skills! Fuck i'm a mad cunt, I was fully going to hit on his hot girlfriend too, after i kicked his ass , cos i looked at her and she smiled at me, or blinked or something, yeah she wants me man! I'm the sexiest guy alive, i'm so hot i dont need to talk to her she should come and talk to me, i never get laid whoo"
Everyone else: "You Gronk!"
by Rachet July 19, 2006
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