9 definitions by Raccoon

n. To be fucked up in more ways than one.

n. An all-you-can-eat buffet of mental illnesses and victim statuses.

n. A collect 'n trade game of psychological disorders, like a modern day Pogs or Pokémon.
Like OMG, I'm just one identity badge away from getting my intersectionality index up to 10! I'm such a victimized minority underdog. Catch up with you guys at the safe space!
by Raccoon July 13, 2018
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1. (n.) American slang for someone of British residence or lineage.

Started as a reaction to the Brits' use of yank, this American use of wank is fitting because it sums up the United Kingdom in one unmistakably British word.

2. (v.) A predominantely British term for masturbation. (see: wanker, bloody wanker)
<Lara_S> damn yank
<Raccoon> silly wank
by Raccoon February 17, 2004
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