49 definitions by R. Kemp

Stands for Pot, Kettle, Black. Used as an abbreviation on USENET and message boards to point out hypocracy.
When he called me a hopeless virgin, the PKB meter exploded.
by R. Kemp September 22, 2004
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Has-been in J-Pop, and through her #161 Billboard "debut" (it's actually her 2nd album in America), a never-was in America. Grew up in New York because her father's dream as a producer was to produce a hit Japanese act in America. Looks like he has to keep dreaming.
I'm breezy? WTF?

She failed as "Utada Hikaru" and failed in her "2nd debut" as "Utada". What's daddy gonna do next? Debut her again as "Hikaru"?
by R. Kemp January 25, 2005
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...is dead
(Cue techno music to "James Brown is Dead" by L.A. Style.)
Now some of these wackjobs can get back to their own depraved lives.
by R. Kemp April 1, 2005
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An affliction the webmasters at Urban Dictionary seem to have an acute case of. Reload their front page 10 times, and I bet a different asian girl pops up 9 times.
Obsess much, guys? Your yellow fever has infected nearly the entire site
by R. Kemp October 3, 2005
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When you jump someone from behind to start a fight, which is an allusion to the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. This term was made famous by legendary WWE Commentator, Gorilla Monsoon.
Holy smokes! King Kong Bundy just did a Pearl Harbor job on Hulk Hogan!
by R. Kemp March 2, 2005
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Slang for any printed journalistic medium (newspaper, magazine, etc.) with such low credibility and standards in acceptable journalism, that its only useful function is to wrap fresh fish in.
"The Sun" is a sensationalist fishwrap read by 10 million people daily in the UK.

If you are not a Sony Playstation fan, Electronic Gaming Monthly is a fishwrap.
by R. Kemp April 20, 2006
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Allen Inmate, "King James" and the rest of those wannabe thugs that embarrassed the United States with their performance in the 2004 Olympics in Athens and then added further embarassment with their indifference to the whole thing.
Watch some ball games in the mid-late 80s and then watch the egocentric divas on the floor in 2005 combined with uninspired play in Athens the previous year and you can't tell me that US basketball hasn't hit rock bottom.
by R. Kemp April 24, 2005
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