2 definitions by Queenafrica67

A quirky and witty girl who jokes around a lot! You can never take her seriously, she is all over the place!...in a good way. You'll mostly catch her making sexual jokes or saying "that's what she said" which is always so stupid but you can't help but laugh at it.
Friend 1: "Hey, can I draw on your arm?"
Friend 2: "Sure."
Friend 3: "Oooh, do me next!"
Shelby: pffft.."That's what she said!"
All: O my god, *breaks down laughing*
by Queenafrica67 June 22, 2019
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A quiet girl from school who has a totally different personality outside of school!
She's funny, more fun and loooves her weed and alcohol. She's a complete stoner, but you love her for it!
"Yo bro... I wanna take the edge off, do you got some pot?"

"No, but I bet Mercedez does, look, she's over there with the bong!"
by Queenafrica67 June 22, 2019
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