89 definitions by Queen Buttrix

Benedict XVI is totally not gay.

I'm totally not gay.
by Queen Buttrix May 2, 2018
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An interjection used by Dr. Doc Brownbutt when talking to Marty McButt.
"Great butt! We need to go back in time and find a buttress before all the butt tubs are gone!"
by Queen Buttrix June 10, 2015
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A portmanteau of ancap (anarchocapitalist) and crap (feces), used in a derisive fashion when making fun of such people.
Even 18th-century slave-owning classical liberals would have found ancraps morally reprehensible.
by Queen Buttrix June 9, 2016
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The sort of economically oblivious rich person who would consider shopping at Whole Foods to be a serious way of advancing social justice.
That Whole Foods leftist just told me I was literally Hitler for not driving a hybrid.
by Queen Buttrix September 22, 2016
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1. A reactionary is, generally speaking, someone who is not only opposed to change, but wants to roll the clock back on any changes that have already happened. This stands in contrast to a conservative, who wants to maintain the status quo.

2. In what is either an Orwellian attempt to rewrite language, or the result of the defense mechanism known as projection, the word "reactionary" is also used by reactionaries as a slur against anyone who is not a reactionary.
1. The economic policies of Ronald Reagan were reactionary, because they rolled back many of the regulations and protections that had been created during the 20th century, based on the very same laissez faire economic theories that had previously resulted in the Great Depression.

2. I hate these reactionaries who advocate an expansion of the rights of marginalized people. We should send them back to the days when no one ever heard or cared about trans women getting stabbed to death; that would teach them who was boss.
by Queen Buttrix April 28, 2016
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Tarry not in providing me my economic stimulus payment.
gib stimmy
by Queen Buttrix March 6, 2021
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