2 definitions by Quacky Smack

The largest "debate" site on enjin, and also the largest ("former minecraft") community of idiots. Full of little children, usually under 14 years of age, who scream the most ignorant remarks and are incredibly clueless, arguing about "politics" they know little about attempting to look smart and serious, whilst being based on a Minecraft Community website hosting service. This is also one of the best places where you can find the most illogical people known to all of humanity. People think that just because you have a different opinion or view, you're "leftist cuck pig" or "muslim ass kisser (contrary to the fact that you are in fact opposing the behaviour they exhibit). People cannot get their facts correct, and because of that start a massive debate of who is correct, which shouldn't be considered a debate, rather than a bunch of children screaming at each other as if they were on the playground. Nasclub also contains incredibly stupid staff members, excepting a few. The staff will ban you without reason, mute you without reason, and refuse to unban/mute you even with the largest amounts of evidence towards your innocence. They also are desperate enough to reward people with steam games or "points" (that do nothing) if they are active wasting useful hours of their lives blabbering endlessly about things unimportant to anybody's lives, and lure them with "if you're active you'll get admin and gaymes!1!!!!", but the stats reset every month.
Person A: Have you read the latest Nasclub debate? It's been 14 pages long!
Person B: Indeed, and more than half of it is people arguing about whenever one individual on the site poses a "bad influence" to people reading, due to the fact that they have an alternative opinion to theirs.

Person A: But they seem to have no problem with a guy who's primary instinct is to kill anything that has a different opinion or skin color than him?
Person B: It would seem so, they complain about double standards but use them a lot themselves.

Person A: They are quite the conversationalists.

Person B: It is also worth mentioning that their site started as a mere "rebellion" against the largest Minecraft server at the time.

Person A: They seem really prone to try and hide it...

Person B: Can you really blame them, i mean they do want to be taken seriously...

Person A: Like Mineplex, You can't really expect someone to take it seriously if This is a place where find people who are literally dumber than a piece of bread.

Person B: Dumber than Mineplex?
Person A: I'd say so.
by Quacky Smack May 30, 2017
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