4 definitions by Punditos Maximos

A small constituency of upper middle class and piddling rich folks, often with advanced degrees, who tend to be moderately liberal on social issues and moderately conservative on fiscal issues. They all long for a “technocratic” leader who will listen to the experts (the middle way folks!) to enact sensible policies (supported by the middle way who benefit directly from them).

A reference to Teabaggers, since they are equally deluded.
Jon Stewart is the patron saint of Tote-baggers. They don't think he's funny; they think he's God.
by Punditos Maximos September 8, 2015
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A sex act which involves slamming "Atlas Shrugged" on your wang and using it to jerk off.
Oh man my first college roommate was such a tool that I swear to God I caught him doing the Paul Ryan one day when I came home early from class.
by Punditos Maximos March 13, 2017
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A derogatory term for people living in the United States of America, referring to their degraded palates and inability to imagine a lifestyle outside of cramming fast food into their faces while sitting in a gigantic truck that mows down children during the bugerican's 90 minute commute.
Did you see the comments on the train derailment? The burgericans were literally asking why it didn't swerve around the SUV on the tracks.
by Punditos Maximos February 24, 2023
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A center-lefty technocrat type who doesn't understand how human beings actually function. A reference to the ID lanyards for conventions and campaigns such types tend to collect as they throw their energy into the campaigns and staffs of people who don't care about them. See also, totebagger and tryhard
A couple of lanyards came to the DSA meeting and tried to tone police us, but one of the guys got them off in a corner discussing local tax credits for private religious schools, and that kept them busy until we got some real work done.
by Punditos Maximos August 30, 2018
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