4 definitions by Pugalshish

Nafu, or National Fascuism, is a ideology that practices Fascuism that incorporates nationalist tendencies. With a leader that is elected and leads for their entire life until they die then the next election happens. Social media, industry, and businesses / corporations are controlled by the government. Surveillance and also crucial to them to keep control of the populous with a titanium fist.
Man, our government is not working, if only we had National Fascuism to bring things back to order.
by Pugalshish July 31, 2021
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To describe one who is of a happy or pleased stature of being.
Sally was a gladman, she was just promoted.

Gerald was a gladman, he had just won the lottery.
by Pugalshish February 23, 2023
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A ideology and economic system in which there is no currency and you rise in the ranks out of a merit system based on how many days you work or serve in the military.
Man, capitalism and communism don't seem to work but Fascuism seems like it would work
by Pugalshish April 2, 2021
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A large, often random, group or collection of people, things, or ideas.
The man heard a noise through the asombolment of trees.
by Pugalshish December 19, 2022
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