2 definitions by PuceAardvark / YouTube

I doubt you could even imagine it. Another joke by George R.R Martin (and this time FromSoftware). Something that does not exist, and never will exist. It's subreddit has gone completely hollow, mindless fiends who have replayed Dark Souls 150 times since the Elden RIng trailer and make memes about going hollow all day, everyday
Guy: Hey, have you heard? they are finally releasing Elden Ring!
Subreddit Hollow: *incomprehensible noises*
Guy: 2053!
by PuceAardvark / YouTube September 16, 2020
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The Holocoaster was a famous roller coaster in the Auschwitz amusement park in Germany. It ran from 1940 to 1945, until a catastrophic failure resulted in the deaths of six million Jews.

The tragedy was later blamed on the National Socialist party for political reasons, but there is little evidence of their involvement.
Student 1: Hey dude, have you heard of The Holocoaster? The ride in Auschwitz that killed millions of Jews?

Student 2: That's bullshit man, everybody knows that they were killed by the secret rapid masturbation machines!
by PuceAardvark / YouTube July 13, 2022
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