4 definitions by Psycho12213

The inevitable. It will happen. What happens when you die? You imagine... darkness, blank. But no one's there to visualize it. You think you will live forever, but no. Everything ends. Every rock, every grain of sand, every explorer, every conqueror, every risk taker, every gambler, every king, every peasant, every murderer, everything you've ever known. The universe won't "die," it will just get, dark. Dark. Very, very dark.
You will die of something called Death.

by Psycho12213 September 16, 2017
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Hey did you hear about the new fidget spinners that are definitely not just some girl's creation who didn't have enough money to pay copyright?
by Psycho12213 September 24, 2017
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About a few years if you count all the trash you'll wast your time on.
Life is like a Life of Life, you never know what you'll Life.
by Psycho12213 September 16, 2017
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