1 definition by Pseudothefaker

What every highschool-aged student seems to think of their school, based on the posts on this website.

A phrase that is casually thrown out without any thought on the subject. However, it could become obsolete if these people realized that their highschool is most likely the only one they have ever gone to and will ever go to, unless they move, and therefore they have no real basis of comparison aside from certain regional academic competitions.
About these competitions, a little birdie told me that they actually don't matter in the real world. It's a funny thing, really. Sure, you might be a smart kid, but that blue ribbon from the science fair probably isn't going to turn into a Nobel Prize.

The truth is, no school is actually "the best." This may be hard for some readers to swallow, but I'm sure they'll cope somehow.

After all, it's not the school that necessarily determines the level of intellectual thought that goes on within the average student, but the student itself. In the words of the great philosopher Barack Obama, "You can't put lipstick on a pig."

Anybody can convince a moron that he or she is intelligent.
Kid: My school is the best.

Rational individual: ...
by Pseudothefaker July 9, 2010
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