4 definitions by Pseudonymph

When a female is fingering herself whilst on her menatural cycle, she takes her crimson fingers and marks her mate on his face with a tribal mask of the warrior. The male then exhorts the tribal yell, which commonly translates to "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!"
"Oh my God, Becky, I was hanging out with Mark we were, like, doing stuff, and he decided to just let on rip right in the middle of it! So I decided to give him a Cherokee face mask!"
by Pseudonymph February 13, 2015
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When you take whatever random ingredients/leftovers you have in your kitchen and mix them together into a meal or filling. Easy way to clean out your fridge and make food at the same time. Whenever I make it, I bake into enchiladas.
Call em Alex's Leftover Enchiladas. Ooooold family recipe.
"I needed to clean out my fridge and was hungry af so I made some scratch sludge."
by Pseudonymph May 30, 2018
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Stands for "Eat it", Nelly uses it often in his songs. Means that you are about to receive oral sex.
From Nelly's song: "My boo gives me head up in the bath tub... EI, EI."
by Pseudonymph July 23, 2004
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A variation of "Bombastard"; a combination of:

Bombastic: Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing


Asshole: A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.

One who condescends and overuses grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing in an attempt to exert his/her intelligence over another's, particularly during a disagreement.
"I could give you the full context for how I happened across this quote, but proving you wrong would require me to dumb it down for you".

You sir, are a bombasthole.
by Pseudonymph August 9, 2012
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