1 definition by Pseudonym MacPseudonym III Jnr

One of the hill schools in the Bronx. At Riverdale, the men are gods, the women are supple nymphs with bodies like those in Botticelli's Primavera. Ambrosia, Wine, and Passoguava juice flow freely from the taps and there is ceaseless merriment. The students honoured to called themselves Riverdalians are the most intelligent, sophisticated, and athletic in, dare I say it, the US of A, and yet also the most humble and modest. Truly, they are a blessed race.

Of course, when you're sober and have to go to the damn place five times a week, it looses some of its appeal, but we're still 10X better than the creepy hobgoblins from the other two hill schools.
Riverdale has many notable alumni, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Alexander the Great, Indiana Jones, and Saint Simon Peter.
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