2 definitions by Pseudohangle343

The result when a cappella groups develop big heads due to their perceived talent, and act arrogantly toward others, often, engaging in behaviors such as complimenting themselves, acting as though they are superior to all life forms, or making smug, shady comments about other a cappella groups.
Example: Ugh all that group sings these days is cockypella. You should hear them talk about how great they are after they perform.

Example 2: I used to like them until they became just another cockypella group. Now they're so full of themselves.
by Pseudohangle343 April 6, 2016
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Tar-peh-jEE-OHs A cappella virtuosos that perform on college campuses with high energy, a

tight sound, and fresh swag, without acting like another conceited cockypella group.
Example: Damn! Did you just see that group perform that sexy a cappella arrangement

of “Candy Man?!” Their soloists did full choreography in 6’’ heels! That’s some

Tarpeggios swag.
by Pseudohangle343 April 6, 2016
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