1 definition by Professor Lim

A particular means of verbal communication originating from Korea, whereby two or more individuals within close proximity shout for the extent of an entire conversation, instead of speaking at normal decibel levels. To the casual observer, the shout-talker and shout-listener may appear hard at hearing. Professors debate whether shout-talking is a byproduct of deafness, or the actual cause of deafness. The Chinese claim to have invented shout-talking, but they are actually just misappropriating a piece of Korea's 5000 year history and culture.

Shout-talkers view their own personal lives as ceaselessly interesting, and rejoice in sharing the details with anyone standing in a 100 meter radius.
Huh? What? I can't hear you because everyone around me is shout-talking.
by Professor Lim October 16, 2014
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